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Interior -Helps & Limits


Visiting this anchor point I kept my vision in mind.


It was also informed by the initial Reflection time at the beginning of the process which facilitated the voicing of many limits that I percieved to be contributing to keeping me stuck in a rut.

Alongside this anchor, I was also exploring Patterns which contributed to this.


I considered internal & external helps & limits,


For internal Helps, I asked myself the question: 'What do I like about myself?'

For Limits, I considered where my energy leaks are, any cultural or individual beliefs that could be limiting me, any concerns or emotional ties.


Aware that I'm limited by my own perspective, and many other things identified here, I enlisted the help of Danny my partner and also my mum to give me an outsiders view...


I recorded the findings in a mind map.



I also explored the idea of 'Multiple Intelligences' here. This highlighted my gifts which could be considered helps, & areas where I'm limited, or in other words where I have a bit more room to improve!


This all informs the needs of the design, I'll need to design around my limits, or else put strategies in place to increase my skills or my situation so that these limits become resources.


From here I can see where I have energy to work or flow with, maybe places where it would be easiest to start when it comes to the integration & action anchors, support that's available to me, It also highlighted motivations, passions & enthusiasms, & could provide incentives.


I am strongest in Kineasthetic, self intelligence, Naturalistic & Linguistic areas so they could be good places to support the development of the other areas.


This whole part would be equivalent to the resources & boundaries am I working with/in in another design process.

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