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Interior -Momentum


How am I going to ensure that things keep moving & the implementation of the design progresses in the right direction? To continue the soil building analogy, this feels like an important anchor point in nourishing the growing plants...

There are lots of ways I could do this.

The anchor points Patterns & Action, have already suggested some options.



  • Break things down into small, achievable steps,


  • Start with low hanging fruit - the most supported things in the 4 quadrants Small & Slow Solutions


  • Consider intervention points & creating spirals of abundance


  • Use leverage points, Smallest intervention for the maximum effect


  • Consider & plan rewards, compensations, exchanges in return for input -incentives in other words, but also practical rewards which make it worthwhile in a practical sense Obtain a Yield



  • Keep it fun!!


  • Schedule breaks, holidays, changes of scene -& take them!! Pause... at appropriate times.


  • Work/collaborate/create/rest with others who are passionate about something, together we can encourage each other. Integrate rather than segregate


  • Be prepared for changes to plans.... creatively use & respond to change.


  • Follow my heart, Keep my vision in mind -pin up vision on wall/desk/bedroom


  • Reflection time, Self regulation & feedback


It's about this time, when beginning to arrange elements, & thinking about momentum, that I realise that what I need is a working document alongside a rough 'pathway', (which is the design)


I need to have a flexible tool which suports me in acting from the heart. From all the reasearch I've done & analysis so far I know alot of what kind of actions these are, what supports are needed etc,


But looking ahead, this needs to be visible to me to remind me, and also available for adding in & taking things out, It will help to maintain momentum if I have a working document. Something to interact with regularly, something that can inspire & remind me, etc


These considerations led me back to the reflection anchor point to design a way of interacting with the design, reflecting & tweaking it as I impliment it.

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